In this "Spotify was there for me when..." imaginary ads series, I create a bunch of designs pertaining to the times I have been grateful for having easy access to music. These are all my own sentiment. This fun project idea sparked in my head when I realized I could never do a run without blasting music in my ears. The, I remember how the only thing that I did when I had my heart broken is to listen to music. Car rides – always time for music. This is my appreciation to how ubiquitous the influence of music in our lives is.
This is my favorite project up-to-date! Please ask me about it if you find it interesting.
Applications used: Adobe Photoshop, Procreate
I've always loved Spotify's vibrant and loud design style. I took inspiration from this color palette, added a touch of raw element through the hand-written calligraphy, and incorporated funky doodles that add a pop of color. The goal of these ads will be to make people stop in their tracks and read them, to find that the content represents them as normal people going though everyday life. People love relating, they love feeling represented. This recognition will make them feel inclined to share what they saw with their friends, in hopes that they can resonate as well.
And now, the designs...